One of my favorite prayers in the world is a short and simple one. The trouble is, it is also a very dangerous one if you want to live a quiet, well ordered life. It has a tendency to mess up all of your plans, and make you feel like you are a cat chasing its tail. Do not pray this prayer if you don’t mean it, and if you do, be prepared for the madness it can bring into your life. You have been warned!

“O Holy Spirit, command me to do your will.”

In our sacred scriptures, the Holy Spirit is described as a driving wind, the very breath of God floating over the waters. It is a very tumultuous thing. It is very much, “God in Action”, and you can expect if you dare to pray for Him to command you, you can expect His commands to have you spinning like a top.

In my heart of hearts though, it is indeed the will of God that I truly want for my life. That glorious and divine will should drive all of our thoughts, should bring to bear all of our talents, our desires, and all of our focus. This prayer begs exactly that. A few weeks ago, I mentioned my devotion to the Jesus Prayer, and that I pray that prayer 100 times a day at least on my prayer rope in the morning. I did not mention that I do the same with this prayer immediately afterwords!

I’m not going to lie, it has made my life a mess. I find myself following the whims of the Spirit throughout my day, and I find myself guilty when I do not. Because of this, I turned my house into a mess two weeks ago, and I have only just now begun to put it all back together.

You see, I realized that for me to follow all of these new projects I’m inspired to do suddenly, the reopening of this blog, (a chapter I thought closed!), the beginning of a video channel, and now a podcast as well, I needed space. So I have reorganized my entire house to be able to do this more effectively. As such, my newfound consistency in posting has waned while I reorganized.

While my project is not entirely complete, I have at least returned my home to the point where I can get back to work, and I am back to writing and actually working on these projects. As such, it made sense to let you know what my plans here actually are. I will do that next week.

Before I do though, I want to challenge you to truly open yourselves to the whims of the Third Person of the Holy Trinity. While I intellectually know that God doesn’t mind and is joyful when we turn to Him in any of His three persons, in my heart I have always felt saddened that the Holy Spirit seems to be on the back end of our collective minds. Bring Him into your prayer life, let His grace fill you, and don’t be scared to let Him control your life. It will never be the same, but I think if you are really honest with yourself, you don’t want your life to be the same anyways!

Come Holy Spirit!

ps. In the middle of working on this blog post, my computer died. Just completely went kaput. Suddenly, all the plans I wrote about above were dead in the water. God knows what he is doing though, so I closed the lid, ordered parts, and trusted that God wanted me to pause. I’m glad he did! These have been the craziest two weeks of my year, and if He had not made me put this down, I would have ended up so frustrated that I would have gone mad. If we truly trust in the Spirit, we must also trust when things go wrong, for that too is His will!

It may take me a little while to get back to speed…