I am a procrastinator. I don’t try to be, I actually work quite hard to be proactive, but sometimes my lazy nature just kicks in, and before I know it, a deadline approaches, and I am caught unprepared.

So, I was to be ordained in a few weeks, and I had not yet bought any clerical shirts. I work in a school, and so with permission from my bishop, I was looking forward to express my ordination to my students by showing up the first day after my ordination by wearing my new school uniform. Not actually having bought these shirts, I found myself in a bit of a bind!

So I took the plunge, and ordered a few grey clerical shirts from DeaconStore.com, just a random site I found online. What I didn’t know was this is a one man show, and he was on a well deserved vacation.

I had simply ordered them and forgot about it, but when they didn’t show up, I suddenly got worried. A week before my ordination, I got an email from him letting me know he had been out of the office, but had just put the order in, and that they would come a week after my big event.

It was my fault, and I knew it. I should have been more forward thinking, but I’m an idiot. I shot him an email letting him know my situation, just to see if there was anything he could do for me.

Within a few hours, he let me know that he had contacted the manufacturer and had upgraded shipping right to my door, out of his pocket. They arrived on time, and the quality is great. All told, this was a great experience, and I will definitely be using them again.

Along with my shirts, I ordered some “iron on” deacon crosses. These things are fabulous, so I felt I had to mention them. They are as simple as you could ask for, but they are simply awesome. I have put them on many of my dress shirts, polos, even a jacket, and they look like they were embroidered right onto the fabric. I love these things.

The best part is they are simple and clean without being overbearing. I have worn shirts with them to conferences, hospital visits, RCIA classes, all sorts of stuff, and everyone gets what they mean almost instantly. I have found them to be just as effective at letting others know I am a cleric as actual clerical shirts.

I did have to make an extra purchase to get them on right though. I needed this teflon paper stuff, which I found in a fabric store and have been able to use over and over again. It gets wrinkled, but that doesn’t seem to stop it from working.

If you are a deacon, buy a ton of these. They are really that awesome.

I love everything I have purchased from this place. While I can’t review products I haven’t bought, I can definitively tell you that this guy is running a top notch shop. I should also let you know I have not received any kind of remuneration for this review, I just had too good an experience not to say something. (But you could tell him I sent you!)

Check them out, DeaconStore.com